Defensible Space Checklist for Homeowners
Here is a defensible space checklist for homeowners to help with creating and maintaining a safe space with help of local fire safety recommendations and the Council of Publishing Home Designers.
- Remove pine needles, leaves, etc. from roof surfaces and rain gutters. Screen attic, eaves, vents, etc.
- Remove dead/burnable fuels, ground debris, logs and snags, dead trees, grass 4 inches and higher, and dead branches in bushes and trees. Pine needles should be removed down to a 2-inch depth (more is a hazard and less promotes erosion).
- Remove vegetation under decks and at least 2 feet from structures, including all pine needles. Stack logs or firewood at least 30-feet from any structure with a clearance around the piles.
- Thin shrubs to maintain a spacing distance of at least 2 times the height of the shrub for flat or gently sloping yards (e.g. 4-foot space between 2-foot high shrubs). Use 4 to 6 times the height of the shrub for spacing on moderate to highly sloped yards, respectively. Spacing is measured stem to stem, not trunk to trunk. Remove lower branches on shrubs taller than 3 feet to provide at least 12 inches of separation from the ground.
- Trim branches on trees 45 feet and taller back to the trunk if those branches have any portion lower than 12-15 feet from the ground. Trim branches on trees shorter than 45 feet up 1/3 of its total height. Trim complete branches that have any portions less than 10 feet from chimney openings & install chimney screens. Prune branches that overhang roofs to provide at least 15-foot clearance. Do not top trees or leave flat tops or stubs. Do not cut into the branch collar (the branch collar determines the angle of the cut) or paint or seal wounds or cuts. Do not trim around live power lines yourself... call a professional!
- Eliminate ladder fuels by removing lower tree branches and/or reducing the height of shrubs or smaller trees such that there is a vertical separation between fuel layers of at least 3 times the height of the lower fuel layer (e.g. if shrub is 3 feet high, there should be a 9 foot separation between the top of the shrub and the lowest branches of an adjacent tree).
- Thin trees, depending on the slope of your yard, to a distance of 10 feet (flat to gently sloping), 20 feet (moderately steep) or 30 feet (very steep). Spacing is measured from canopy to canopy, not trunk to trunk. Obtain professional assistance to remove trees. Check with your local Code Compliance Department as a permit may be required to remove larger trees (generally over 6 inches in trunk diameter).
- Don't remove ALL vegetation from the defensible space zone, which can create erosion and run off problems. Rather, thin to provide proper placement and spacing.
- Select native and/or drought-tolerant/fire resistant trees, shrubs and plants to replace water-intensive or more flammable varieties.
- Chip all litter/slash generated from your yard maintenance activities or haul it to the landfill/transfer station WITHIN ONE WEEK so it will not increase the fire hazard condition or the forest insect problem. Spread 1/4 inch of Borax powder on the tops of all cut pine, fir and cedar stumps within 2 hours of cutting.
- Use fire resistant building materials (roofing, siding, decking, etc.) whenever possible.
- Maintain your fire-wise landscaping and defensible space on a regular basis.